A Software Engineer with serious hobby in Photography. Love to travel places.
Thanks for the info.I had a look at the models u have mentioned below, and I have some questions. Pls let me know if u have answers / pointers to the answers for these.
- Exactly what image quality diff is there between the ‘Secret desire’ video and commercial cam video? Was it in terms of fps (Frames / Sec) and/or resolution?
- What’s the FPS for commercial quality video? I think it’s 25 fps for PAL and 28 FPS for NTFS, pls correct me. Where does 30 FPS video fall in this scenario?
- I understand that HD standard renders video in a resolution of different dimensions than standard video. What’s the screen size for each frame of HD video? What’s the frame rate? Is it again different like NTFS and PAL?
- There are 2 high def video standards – HDTV and Blu-Ray. Does HD video on the camcorders mentioned below support both of these? Since Blu-Ray is Sony specific, will Sony cams support HD mode as compatible to Blu-ray only?
- The reviews for below mentioned camcorders do not mention frame rate and lines per screen (which, according to my understanding is close to 1080 lines /screen in case of commercial quality videos). Can you elaborate?
- If the HD video supported by camcorders mentioned below an ‘authentic’ HD video (in terms of lines per screen / frame rate / resolution), or a stripped down version? If it’s authentic, what does a commercial HD cam possesses in terms of video quality, which these do not have?
Shirish Deshpande
From: Shirish [
Hi Preetam,
The handycam details that I promised to send..... these are just my scratchpad details, see if you can make sense of these details. Sony HDR-HC9 or Canon Hv30, is a decent enough camera to start with a short-film
HD handycams:
Profession :
$5000 --> Sony HDV V1 --> Profession HD [setup] [ Slow motion
$4000 -->Sony HDR FX7
$900 - $1000 --> Sony HDR-HC9 -detailsInactive.asp?Sku=S08 -3424&SRCCODE=WEBTV&CMP=OTC -WEBTV
$1000 --> Canon HV30
$1000 --> Sony HDR-HC7 --> Pro consumer camera
$800 --> Sony HC3 --> Consumer HD camera -handycam-
$1300 --> Sony Handycam HDR-SR7 (Hard-disk) -handycam-
Sony HDR SR1
Pramod Goggi
> ssh-keygen -t rsa
> scp .ssh/ 'user'@'machine_address':.ssh/authorized_keys2
Linux commands: a practical Reference
I love this reference, surely helpful: